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Nov 7, 2012

Magnum Receives Washington Green 50 Award

Magnum Print Solutions, Silver Award Winning Member of the 2012 Washington Green 50

Local toner cartridge manufacturer honored for carbon savings, recycling and reusing efforts 


Seattle, WA November 8, 2012 – At first, they seem like glimpses of an idyllic future economy:

  • A building that creates its own electricity and gathers its own water
  • An office supply company offering locally manufactured and sustainable product lines
  • A biodegradable running shoe that outpaces the competition
  • A toner cartridge manufacturer who’s product reduces carbon footprints by 70% while costing 30% less

But these companies and products aren’t vapor, they are real; and Magnum Print Solutions was among the winners of the 2012 Green Washington Awards that comprise the Washington Green 50. 


In addition to being selected as one of the Green 50 companies in Washington, Magnum Print Solutions was given a special distinction - Silver Award winner in the manufacturing category. This was an additional recognition for the significant efforts Magnum made in carbon savings, recycling and reusing efforts.


Steve Seavecki, President and CEO of Magnum Print Solutions stated, “We appreciate that our efforts in this area have been recognized. We continually look for opportunities to reduce the carbon footprint for our organization as well as for our partners and customers.”


Magnum Print Solutions has spent years redesigning the manufacturing process, packaging design and recycling efforts to minimize waste and maximize component reuse. In an effort to quantify those savings, Magnum created a ‘Carbon Calculator’ which is available on Magnum’s website ( This application allows users of Magnum brand toner to calculate environmental savings through limiting the use of oil, raw materials, landfill space and water, while also reducing greenhouse gases. In 2011 Magnum calculated total customer savings in these areas to be:


·         Recycled over 22,750 pounds of metal from toner cartridges

·         Conserved 129,960 quarts of oil

·         Conserved 389,880 pounds of raw materials.

·         Prevented 173,280 pounds of materials from being sent to landfills

·         Saved 433 trees

·         Saved 307,572 gallons of water

·         Prevented 51,984 pounds of greenhouse gas from being emitted


Magnum has also recruited several leading businesses to participate in the Magnum Recycling Program, including Fred Hutchinson Research Center and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. By recycling their used toner cartridges, these businesses reduce waste and promote recycling.


Judges for the Green Washington Awards included leaders in the environmental and educational communities. The Washington Green 50 Award is presented annually by Seattle Business Magazine.




Ellen Gengler, Marketing Manager

Magnum Print Solutions    206.624.7715 ext 120


Magnum Print Solutions is a manufacturer, wholesale distributor and direct supplier of Magnum brand toner cartridges nationally and internationally. Magnum also provides onsite supplies management, office machine sales and service for business in the Pacific Northwest. In 2012 Magnum was honored as a Silver Award winner and a Washington Green 50 company. Named in the top 100 fastest growing private companies in Washington state for 2009 and 2010; Magnum was also recognized in 2011 as one of Inc Magazine’s 500/5000 fastest growing companies across the country.


Seattle Business magazine’s Green Washington Awards program recognizes companies and individuals who hold our planet and its longevity in the highest regard and who are leading the way in sustainability and green business practices. 

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